Título Inglés / Original
Geographical distribution of vernacular architecture with handmade wood shingle, Aysén Region
Investigación Independiente
Castillo Levicoy, Carlos
Resumen en inglés (Abstract)
This paper seeks to broaden and deepen the knowledge bases around the use of hand-split wooden shingles and its value as part of the traditional architecture of the Aysén region (Chile). For this it is carrying out a register at regional level and by location of this architecture, taking photographs and doing semi structured interviews with people who worked in the split wooden shingles handcraft.
Traditional architecture in Aysén has its own development, strongly influenced by the geographical
features, climate, abundance and type of wood, origin and culture of the builders. The buildings resulted from the need for immediate shelter, distinguishing himself as precursor materials to the use of handsplit wooden shingles, the reed, totora, straw and clay, leather, stone, the canogas, the casquero, stick carved and the rods.
Traditional architecture in Aysén has its own development, strongly influenced by the geographical
features, climate, abundance and type of wood, origin and culture of the builders. The buildings resulted from the need for immediate shelter, distinguishing himself as precursor materials to the use of handsplit wooden shingles, the reed, totora, straw and clay, leather, stone, the canogas, the casquero, stick carved and the rods.
Resumen en español
El presente trabajo busca ampliar y profundizar las bases de conocimiento en torno al uso de la tejuela y su valor como parte de la arquitectura vernácula para la región de Aysén. Para ello se está llevando a cabo un catastro a nivel regional y por localidades de esta arquitectura, registros fotográficos y entrevistas semiestructuradas a personas que trabajaron en el oficio del tejueleo.La arquitectura tradicional en Aysén ha sido influenciada por la geografía, el clima, la abundancia y tipo de madera, origen y nivel cultural de los constructores(as). Las construcciones respondieron a la necesidad de cobijo inmediato, destacando como materiales precursores al uso de la tejuela, el junquillo o canutillo, la totora, la paja y el barro, el cuero, la piedra, las canogas, el casquero, el palo labrado o partido, y las varas.

Palabras claves
arquitectura vernácula
tejuela artesanal
región de Aysén
Fecha de publicación
Año 2015
Publicaciones periódicas